Favorite Video Game Generation?

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Re: Favorite Video Game Generation?

Post by weaponepsilon » Sun Nov 29, 2009 2:16 am

A bigger question: Were you ALIVE for that generation? I was alive for the 2nd gen. I saw the death and rebirth of videya gamez. Like saying you were at woodstock....
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Re: Favorite Video Game Generation?

Post by hailrazer » Sun Nov 29, 2009 7:09 am

I'm guessing the original Atari is what you consider 2nd Gen? With Pong being 1st gen?

But yea I grew up on Pong then Atari. Going over to my friends house to play Atari was like a 3year old getting let loose in an icecream factory.
Me and my brother just couldn't believe you could play such awesome games on a t.v. We would sit for 8-9 hours playing them until we had blisters on our hands and our hands were cramped worse than a person with cerebral palsy. then we'd go home and dream about playing games for the next few days until we could do it again.

One of the first WOW moments for me was the Snes launch day with Super Mario World. I just couldn't believe those awesome scrolling 3d backgrounds. Played it on a 24 hour marathon until I beat it. It was sooooo much fun.

Then 3 days before the launch of the N64 , the clerk at Eb games let me have mine early. Rushed home , popped in Mario 64 and my jaw hit the floor. Started playing in 3d and couldn't stop. 50 hours later I had all the stars. Woot :)
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Re: Favorite Video Game Generation?

Post by jones » Sun Nov 29, 2009 11:56 am

I've been gaming since the Atari days and I have to say that I prefer the current generation to any that has preceded it.

For me it is all about the games and there have definitely been some great ones over the past couple of decades, but the current generation has so many games that would make their way onto my top ten list that I can't deny it's greatness.

Games like BioShock, Uncharted 2, Fallout 3, Oblivion, Mass Effect etc. have taken storytelling to a whole new level. Stunning and immersive worlds with characters you can become emotionally invested in are something I wasn't sure if games would ever be able to deliver. When you make a choice in a game like Fallout 3 you actually consider the ramifications of it and feel the weight of your decision (and impact of it) on the Capital Wasteland. This is very cool stuff, that I don't think gets acknowledged nearly and is just one of the reasons I prefer this generation over all others.

Plus, this generation renewed my love of gaming which had been waning since the days of my previous favorite generation (whatever one the Genesis/SNES were a part of). So, it's got that going for it... Which is nice.

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Re: Favorite Video Game Generation?

Post by Metallica Man X » Sun Nov 29, 2009 3:53 pm

My fav would probably be 3/4....as I play the crap out of my NES and Genesis/CD/32X (battleship)....hardly ever touch my 360 for some odd reason...
hailrazer wrote:
Current gen is to much "movie" like. I hate watching hours of cutscenes and then playing for 10 minutes and more cutscenes.
You know, that's kinda funny....back in the day, that was how the Sega CD was pushed; as a movie game machine--creating many terrible (yet still kinda funny in their own way) FMV games........and when compaired to the other consoles (the genesis it was attached to included) was a total failure because of it.

Hm.....and interestingly enough, one main complaint I hear from many people bout the modern games are those "quicktime events" or whatever they're called, as they operate almost exactly the same as many of those old FMV games :roll:
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Re: Favorite Video Game Generation?

Post by limpport » Sun Nov 29, 2009 5:02 pm

My first console I got was an N64, but I still grew up on NES and SNES. I would play them all the time at my cousins house (they grew up in that generation). I think starting with the basics and moving your way up is a lot better than starting off with the shiny HD stuff, so when you do play NES/SNES, you appreciate it much more. I hear younger folks saying how much the NES sucks and how "Mario looks like digital poop". They don't even realize that video games would probably not exist if it wasn't for those pioneering systems that turned video games around 180 degrees.

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Re: Favorite Video Game Generation?

Post by schmellyfart » Sun Nov 29, 2009 10:44 pm

5th gen hands down. I loved playing my n64 and ps1.

Even though I own most of the games I used to have for those systems and then some, I still regret trading in my system and games. Its just not the same :(

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Re: Favorite Video Game Generation?

Post by doctorjames » Sun Nov 29, 2009 11:06 pm

Definitely the current generation. Online gaming kicks so much arse. I think that every generation had its fair share of fun games, but gaming today is awesome. How often could you play a two player campaign with a friend who lives across the nation before this generation?

The Nintendo 64 does have a dear place in my heart however, a close second. ;)

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Re: Favorite Video Game Generation?

Post by Tchay » Mon Nov 30, 2009 1:46 am

6th gen for 2 reasons:

Beyond Good and Evil


Shadow of the Colossus

- two games that have never been matched in greatness 8)
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Re: Favorite Video Game Generation?

Post by Life of Brian » Mon Nov 30, 2009 7:33 am

Hmm, I'm straddling fourth gen (SNES will always have a special spot in my heart) and the current generation. I kind of agree with hailrazer about cutscenes in some games being way too long, but there are also games on XBox Live Arcade that give the same simple interface and pure gaming experience like older generations provided. I'm currently hooked on Slingstar - you should all download it right now! It costs less than a dollar...
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Re: Favorite Video Game Generation?

Post by J.D » Mon Nov 30, 2009 9:24 am

I'm hooked on Team Fortress 2 right now. Never have I played a First Person Shooter as good as this one is.

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Re: Favorite Video Game Generation?

Post by Rekarp » Mon Nov 30, 2009 10:40 am

Whats PC gaming? The continuous generation? (sounds like another lame star trek movie) :lol:
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Re: Favorite Video Game Generation?

Post by Sparkfist » Mon Nov 30, 2009 12:18 pm

I'm going for fourth generation. Genesis and SNES were the best. Granted Capcom raped us when they released Street Fighter 2, then Turnbo, then Super, then Special Edion, ect. But we had Final Fantasy 4, 5, and 6, the secret of Mana, General Chaos, and of coarse Cyborg Justice. Can you get better then that?

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