Metallica Man's P-NES Projekt Work Log! 56k warning FINISHED

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Re: Metallica Man's cNESp Projekt Work Log! [56k warning]

Post by themadhacker » Mon Mar 16, 2009 1:23 pm

That looks very nice. I hope you can find and fix the problem
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Re: Metallica Man's cNESp Projekt Work Log! [56k warning]

Post by Metallica Man X » Mon Mar 16, 2009 1:59 pm

Well, I shredded the no longer looks as pretty :(

I Quadruple checked all the connections...tested every single pin on the cart slot, every single lead on the mobo, I'm talkin' everything! I even checked how deep the cart sits on the slot!

It all checks out, all the connects are why won't the games work? Does anybody have any idea as to what's making this happen?
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Re: Metallica Man's cNESp Projekt Work Log! [56k warning]

Post by XCVG » Mon Mar 16, 2009 8:50 pm

You fried the NOAC.

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Re: Metallica Man's cNESp Projekt Work Log! [56k warning]

Post by Metallica Man X » Mon Mar 16, 2009 8:59 pm

Well that totally worked just fine before I assembled it...I wonder what could've blown it after the fact?
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Re: Metallica Man's cNESp Projekt Work Log! [56k warning]

Post by 64M320N3 » Mon Mar 16, 2009 10:28 pm

These el cheapo things from china will blow all the time for unexplained reasons.
Mostly it's because they are incredibly poorly manufactured, but you might have shorted something. Either way, you can assume the board is toast.
Something could have crapped out on it; when i got a broken one i pretty much replaced all the components that looked questionable with ones that were made with far superior effort. When you were slashing something you might not have noticed maybe a poorly soldered resistor and something shook lose? IDK, honestly.

It's incredibly picky. Also, you might have slashed into a ground or something so everything looks okay, but it isn't completing the circuit.
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Re: Metallica Man's cNESp Projekt Work Log! [56k warning]

Post by bacteria » Sat Mar 21, 2009 4:56 pm

IDE cable isn't great cable, especially if the strands are separated - it is easy for a wire inside to snap; appear to work but if the wire moves a little bit, break contact. Also, your wires are quite long, which also won't help matters. You are better off using better wire - eg wire from a cable from a controller - might help make your system work again. Means re-wiring, but probably worth the effort.

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Re: Metallica Man's cNESp Projekt Work Log! [56k warning]

Post by themadhacker » Sat Mar 21, 2009 6:10 pm

old A/V cables have the best wire in my opinion. They have sturdy insilation and are made of copper. Try some wire from an old playstation A/V cable. Those are very strong.
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Re: Metallica Man's cNESp Projekt Work Log! [56k warning]

Post by Metallica Man X » Mon Mar 23, 2009 4:05 pm

Hm. I'll have to give that stuff a try....hopefully I can save me the few bucks needed to pick up another yobo for it :)
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Re: Metallica Man's cNESp Projekt Work Log! [56k warning]

Post by Metallica Man X » Wed May 20, 2009 7:59 pm

First update in a long while....

Got a new NOAC for my project...It was supposed to be a yobo, but the peeps I got it from were sadly confused. Obviously, by looking at the title, it's not a yobo. It does bear a superficial resemblance, but that's the only thing that makes it's like a yobo (other than playing NES games). The guts are quite different.

This be the box for it....

On the plus side, the new device is actually supperior to the yobo in the sound department! The original yobo had some sound issues with games and sfx (like when mario jumps, it's a step or so lower). This machine, however, has zero sound difference! So the games actually sound spot on :)

On the negative side tho, the video amplifier isn't on the main board like it is on the yobo. Instead, it's on the power now I gotta make a little ampy for the video.

Otherwise, I'm back on track! Hopefully I'll be able to get this thing finished and finally obtain the title of "portablizer" 8)
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Re: Metallica Man's P-NES Projekt Work Log! [56k warning]

Post by XCVG » Thu May 21, 2009 6:07 pm

I've never seen that NOAC before! I looked it up and it seems to be from the same people who made the Retro Duo.

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Re: Metallica Man's P-NES Projekt Work Log! [56k warning]

Post by qerkdtx » Thu May 21, 2009 8:59 pm

Yah I one of those, from Play N Trade.

Its made light, but Im guessing the yobo is too, although ive never held one.

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Re: Metallica Man's P-NES Projekt Work Log! [56k warning]

Post by Metallica Man X » Fri Jun 12, 2009 3:28 pm


Finally...after months of weekends, i finally got the darn thing done! pics are to follow soon (at work right now, can't post pics at work lol.)

But yay! hooray for me!! I'm finally a portablizer! woot!

Yes, I know this post is semi-pointless since there are no pics yet. But, I'm just sooooo excited with the completion of this thing! now I can sit on the john and play Mega Man! :lol:
Last edited by Metallica Man X on Sat Jun 13, 2009 1:10 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Metallica Man's P-NES Projekt Work Log! [56k warning]

Post by Metallica Man X » Sat Jun 13, 2009 1:10 am

OK here's the pics!

My mighty P-NES...standing triumphantly on my table...

Das Side view...yes, that's a rubber band on the side...the glue hadn't dried yet, so that's holding it on there. Oh and yeah, that's my wallet propping it up :lol:


Here's a top-down view of it. Notice the myriad of cracks from when I had to cut it open to fix it...


With the AC wall adapter plugged in. Unless I'm on the road, this will be the primary power source :P

The P-NES running one of my fav NES games: Mega Man 5


And here's another one of my fav games: Punchout! (this pic was taken before I added the kewl decal)

Yeah. Overall, I'm about 75% satisfied with the P-NES projekt...75 cause the new board takes up more room than the original, and now the batteries don't fit in the case fully, which makes me kinda sad.

Plus the fact that I had to cut it all apart, and break the plates, making it look really shoddy compared to when I originally "finished" it also makes me kinda sad.

Other than those cosmetic issues, it's nice...this new toy is gonna get a lotta play time lol.

A quick edit:

Just thought I'd share the decal image I used with yas :)
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Re: Metallica Man's P-NES Projekt Work Log! 56k warning FINISHED

Post by themadhacker » Sat Jun 13, 2009 9:00 am

just a question, before I complement you on your nice looking p-:

How exactly would you go about making decals?

Now for the complements. Damn, that is one nice pnes. I bet it's fun to play with too!
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Re: Metallica Man's P-NES Projekt Work Log! 56k warning FINISHED

Post by XCVG » Sat Jun 13, 2009 12:36 pm

themadhacker wrote:Now for the complements. Damn, that is one nice pnes. I bet it's fun to play with too!
But seriously, did you GLUE it together? You'll regret that later, I tell ya!

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