Case Construction for a Ps1p by the Book

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Case Construction for a Ps1p by the Book

Post by Bucklihead » Tue Feb 07, 2006 12:38 am

How much would the materials for a handbuild ps1p cost? Something like the one in the book. I searched and couldn't find the information.

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Post by loup » Tue Feb 07, 2006 1:33 am

it's hard to get an exact price on something like this unfortunately. This is mostly due to the fact that something like the PS1 itself could be free (if you already own one that you're willing to turn into a portable) or you might pay some unknown sum for one off of ebay or similar. The most expensive part is probably the screen. if you were to buy it new, the screen might cost around $150 alone, if you get it off ebay you might get it as low as $15 (I wouldn't count on it being this cheap, but you might get lucky.) Another expensive part of the project is going to be the case, and really, that could be either really cheap or really expensive depending on what you're looking for. You can buy a case directly from the website here, or yu can build your own from scratch. from the website it'll cost either $75 or $95 depending on which model you want. and you should plan on spending a minimum of $20 on miscellanious things needed for the project (wire, solder, leds, other stuff.)
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